Monday, February 20, 2017

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Trailer Thoughts

I really don't know what to think about Guy Ritchie's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. On the one hand I love Guy Ritchie as a filmmaker. His unique style always has fascinated and entertained me. The Sherlock Holmes films, especially the first, where a fun twist on the character, and Man from UNCLE was underappreciated. This King Arthur film though just doesn't look good from this trailer. 

The first trailer to come out at last year's comic con was good, and gave me hope for a film which went through massive reshoots. The movie was supposed to come out last year and was delayed because of some bad test screenings. With this in mind I've been somewhat skeptical of the film. 

Arthurian stories have been told thousands of times and Ritchie's style doesn't necessarily mesh well with the time period.  A new interesting take on old stories is always intriguing. With the films struggles and this trailer not hitting the right note I'm not sure this film will be good.  A different look on an old legend  is welcome, it just has to thread a thin needle to be impressive. 

It could also be the strange song choice found in the trailer. I love Led Zeppelin, but it doesn't make much sense to put their song in a movie about King Arthur, even if it is just for the trailer. The song doesn't seem to match the tone for the movie.  Maybe it will, but it could also be one reason I wasn't impressed with this trailer. 

Let's hope the reshoots and this trailer aren't an indication for the quality of this King Arthur retelling, but to quote another franchise, I've got a bad feeling about this. 

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